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More than 3500 sea professionals have joined Marefind

August 2, 2020

The concept of Marefind was communicated to us in the summer of 2018 and we immediately realised the impact this could have in the maritime job seeking process. Marefind is an online platform with the purpose of ‘Online Job Placement and Networking’ in the Shipping and Yachting Sector. It provides the tools, both for companies and job seekers, so they can contact each other fast by not wasting time on matching the requirements of each role.

From writing down the specs of the idea to going live, Impluto’s team worked closely with Marefind in all the aspects of the platform. Although an idea can be clearly visualised before the implementation, there can be changes during the process and this was not an issue. New features were added and others were dropped always with the user experience in mind. The communication was key for a successful development and helped overcome problems and bottlenecks.

Marefind now has more than 3500 sea professionals on board with more users joining every day. Looking forward to a promising future!

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